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Welcome to Maggie's World! A very special calico in the Felineasy household for 17 years. Maggie delivered nonstop laughter, attitude, and smiles. Typical Calico cattitude! Read on and this blog will attempt to recapture her wonderful life. Maggie is dearly missed! Look forward to lots of stories, pictures, videos, and advice on cat care. Felineasy has prepared a wonderful story line about her life. And, even some helpful kitty care tips and suggestions.

Maggie's Parents

For over 60 years Maggie's parents have provided a loving household for multiple rescue cats. And, the business Felineasy developed and marketed a feline product that resulted in thousands of dollars of donations to local cat shelters. Visit the Felineasy website at to enjoy lots of fun and help for feline friends. Pictures, videos, stories about Maggie and her feline family and lots more. Be sure to watch the Maggi Sez video on Calico Cattitude. The website also provides some recommended feline care, toys, tips, and product links.

Maggie with her absolute favorite kitty kickers from Amazon.

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A challenge for kitty and kitty parents can be the constant need for scratching and clawing. Scratching is part of the feline lifestyle and can wreak havoc on that new sofa, carpet or drapes. Fortunately, there are some fairly easy steps that may help kitty learn to scratch and claw in the right place and on the right things.

First, understand that scratching is a regular part of a cat’s life. Dragging sharp claws on horizontal or vertical surfaces is a sharpening and cleaning process. The process removes the old outdated outer claw husk exposing a new clean sharp replacement claw. Scratching can also be territorial. Sweat and scent glands in the paws can deposit scent on scratched surfaces, marking a territory. Cats often look for horizontal and vertical fixed textured surfaces for their scratching. Likely targets are carpet, drapes, and even soft wood. Kitty will need help to direct scratching to the right place.

Recognizing the ongoing scratching behavior is the first step. Often the resolve can be simple and easy. Search for scratching pads, towers, or posts designed just for kitty. Then help kitty find and learn new scratching targets and places. Encourage the new location with some kitty play, kitty toys, kitty treats and maybe a sprinkle of catnip. Corrugated cardboard pads, carpeted and sisal covered posts and towers are terrific new targets. Place scratching pads and towers in several rooms for easy kitty access.

So the solution may be simple! Choose new scratching substitutes and work to move kitty’s scratching behavior to the new scratching post or pad. With a little planning and care, your life and kitty’s life can be happier and less destructive. Include some play time and add some toys to move scratching activities to the new sisal posts, towers, and corrugated pads.


Following are some samples of cat scratching products widely available. Various versions of these products have been used in the Felineasy multi-cat household for over 20 years.

Happy Cats!

For More Helpful Cat Care Tips & Lots of Cute Kitty & Cat Pictures & Videos & Stuff, Check Back at for Regular Updates.

One of our favorite cat scratchers can be purchased at Amazon

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